Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Myspace and Boyfriend?

So me and my boyfriend have a myspace...should i be upset i'm not his #1 even though i have his heart and he loves me more then those other ppl. His two bestfriends are girls and they are his #1 and #2....i don't know if i should be bothered by this, but when i ask him he reassures me that i'm his only one.

i believe him i do....i wouldn't doubt him for a second, because he is always with me...

p.s. my top 24 are music bands...and we never comment eac

Myspace and Boyfriend?

First of all Its Myspace not Marriage. Pick your battles with your man. He should have you as #1 on his top but if he doesnt what are you going to do? Leave him? Think about it. Is it worth the fight? Are you truely hurt by it? Voice it to him. Communicate and remember Myspace isnt forever.

Myspace and Boyfriend?

if you're judging the quality of your relationship with a website, you have some work to do.

Myspace and Boyfriend?

I say that you should just deal with it.

There are more important things to be worrying about than if you are his #1 on Myspace.

Myspace and Boyfriend?

Dont be bothered.. that is stupid to be bothered because ur not #1 on his myspace.... I love my mom but I wont even accept her as a friend on myspace....

Myspace and Boyfriend?

He should have you as his number 1

if not he's not that serious about you

Myspace and Boyfriend?

I wouldn't worry about it. It's just Myspace. No big deal.

Myspace and Boyfriend?

Myspace is pretty dumb, but I think he should have you as his number one anyway.

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