whenever i view my profile...the background just repeats photobucket band width exceeded... some of my friends say they see it on their comps while others say it looks normal when they view it....does anyone know what's up??
Somethings wrong w/my myspace..?
Your pic is to big you need to size it down in photoshop or paint.
Somethings wrong w/my myspace..?
my space is where old pervs go to meet young kids.
Somethings wrong w/my myspace..?
Bandwidth exceeded means that too many people have downloaded the image in too short of a timeframe. When you host images on free sites like photobucket, they allow you so much bandwidth per day/week/month. They might for example say that you can't have more than 20MB downloaded per month. So each time someone views the image, it deducts from that limit.
You should find another host with a higher limit, or a host with no limit (which will likely cost money).
Somethings wrong w/my myspace..?
u exceeded their bandwidth, means u exceeded their bandwidth... if u dont know about their terms, visit their website again and look it up. ok.. I will be nice. they let u put your picture on their computer... and your picture can only be accessed a certain amount of time determined by how big your picture sizese divided by how many bandwidth they allow u to have in a day. if u exceed this then access to your picture is no more until the next day or whenever they set it to be. OR u can pay them to have more bandwidth!!!!
Somethings wrong w/my myspace..?
use flickr
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